Am facing some difficulty in fetching params from query String.
I have a reducer function which is setting initial value as
const initialState = {
data: {
loadedData: false,
token: '',
video_thumbnail_url: '',
mediaToken: '',
mediaUrl: '',
value is something I might need to get from queryString
and if no it should be empty string
so what basically expecting is mediaToken will be calling a function which will be checking queryString and if not it will pass empty string
For example : https:// localhost:8080/?text=abc&query=multi.....
I need to get the query value from query string and bind it to mediaToken in intialState
**mediaToken : function() ( function will be returning either query value from url or if noy present empty string**
const function => {
// get query value from query string
return that
else return ''
Still if you guys dont get my question , please feel free to comment, am happy to reply (sorry for that)
If you are fine with using external node module for achieving this, I would suggest using query-string. This is how you can extract query params using it:
const queryString = require('query-string');
// ..
// ..
// Business logic
let qsJSON = queryString.parse(
mediaToken = qsJSON ? qsJSON.[<qs_name>] || '' : ''