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How to navigate between child Fragments?

I understand how to navigate between fragments using Jetpack's Navigation Component, but I haven't been able to find is how to navigate from one child fragment to another child fragment.

The following is what I've done so far: the code example is pretty big so sum it up, I'm trying to do is" A>B and Ba>Bb". Ba is a fragment inside of fragment B. I'm not sure how to set up the nav graph for something like that

The navigation works until the home fragment. The bot nav just doesn't seem to work. It always displays the pending layout. Another thing I tried was setting the nav graph of the home to the same one used for the login and adding the pending and history fragments to the nav file without any actions. But the home loads the login, the tabs work, but they're replacing the home fragment instead of being placed in the home nav host.


I managed to find the problem, but I'm stuck trying to find a solution.

So B seems to be getting the navhost for A when I setup the botnavview to the navcontroller. So calling NavController navController = NavHostFragment.findNavController(this); from B returns the navhost of A. I'm at a lost here. If I do this NavController navController2 = Navigation.findNavController(currentActivity,; (homeNavHostFragmentContainer being the navhostfor B) still returns the navhost for A. For some reason, I can't get a reference to B's navhost.


  • My problem was that I misunderstood how NavHostFragment.findNavController() functions. Fragment B is not a navhost is just a regular Fragment. The navhost for B is a child of B. The argument for findNavController() has to be a NavHostFragment not a regular Fragment. So by passing, this (being B), it wasn't getting a NavFragment, just a regular Fragment. I thought the method would have extracted the navhost from whatever fragment was passed. Guess the documentation caused a bit of confusion. To get the correct navhost, I had to get the navhost from the fragment manager like so getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentById(navHostResId) (in my case, navHostResId was the id of the fragment container in B). Then everything worked beautifully.