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memory stack: sub 20 from esp

I am having trouble grasping the answer in this stackoverflow thread.

In the middle of the answer it says Most function prologs look something like:...

As I understand the instructions in the mentioned answer --> The first instruction pushes ebp on to the stack. Then we move esp into ebp. And lastly we subract 20 from esp, making esp point 20 addresses down from where it was.

From the instructions above I visualize the stack as this.

high address
|     (an address)       |    <-- ebp
|                        |    <-- esp points to an address 20 
|                        |        bytes lower
|                        |
|                        |
|                        |
low address

If this visualization is correct, how can you then push anything on the stack when you dont even have any reference to where the next local variable can be placed?


  • The 'low address' is where the stackpointer ESP is. Pushing anything to the stack stores it beneath this address.

    Storing a local variable would use a EBP relative addressing mode with a negative offset.

    In your example there's a 20 byte difference between EBP and ESP.
    In the absense of any pushes, MOVing to where ESPpoints fills the lowest 4 bytes of that 20-byte area. On the contrary, the first PUSH will store beneath that 20-byte area. Only the PUSH instruction will lower the stackpointer beforehand. MOV uses ESP as is.

    The following store to the same address in memory:

    mov [ebp-20], eax
    mov [esp], eax

    Now, if we push some new datum to the stack, then ESP changes but EBP remains, and so the following is true:

    push ebx              <<< The first push
    mov  eax, [ebp-20]    <<< Still at -20
    mov  edx, [esp+4]     <<< Now at +4

    EAXand EDX are equal to each other.