Hello I try to map colors and emotions together, each post has an initial emotion and color, but while responding the color and emotion changes by the user's choice, for example: the initial emotion of the post is sad and blue, and the user chooses happy and green, by combining the four variables Come out a new result of emotion and color, I tried to do it through if ?, but I encountered a problem, the manual mapping did not include additional possibilities, so does anyone have an idea how to do a more effective mapping that comes I can give a different result each time, here an example for what i done
this is the main function
const {angry} = require('./emotions/angry/angry')
exports.ECBrige = (userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor) => {
if(userEmotion === 'angry'){
return angry(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
this is the mapping angry
const {yellow} = require('./colors/yellow');
const {lime} = require('./colors/lime');
const {green} = require('./colors/green');
const {aqua} = require('./colors/aqua');
const {blue} = require('./colors/blue');
const {pink} = require('./colors/pink');
const {red} = require('./colors/red');
const {orange} = require('./colors/orange');
exports.angry = (userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor) => {
if(userColor === 'yellow'){
return yellow(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
}else if (userColor === 'lime'){
return lime(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
}else if (userColor === 'green'){
return green(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
}else if (userColor === 'aqua'){
return aqua(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
}else if (userColor === 'blue'){
return blue(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
}else if (userColor === 'pink'){
return pink(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
}else if (userColor === 'red'){
return red(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
return orange(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor)
it output undefined for some
You may use object to store colors, then you access your color function like color[colorName]
./colors/index.js - export your all colors
const {yellow} = require('./colors/yellow');
const {lime} = require('./colors/lime');
const {green} = require('./colors/green');
const {aqua} = require('./colors/aqua');
const {blue} = require('./colors/blue');
const {pink} = require('./colors/pink');
const {red} = require('./colors/red');
const {orange} = require('./colors/orange');
export { yellow, lime, green, aqua, ... }
./mapping.js - access property of color object above.
// import your all colors
const colors = require('./colors');
exports.angry = (userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor) => {
try {
return colors[userColor](userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor);
} catch (err) {
// you may choose some color default
return colors.orange(userEmotion, userColor,postEmotion, postColor);