Some time ago I created a subclass of QGraphicsView
that I called MultiWidget
. Its purpose was to hold some other widgets I use, which I added with addWidget to the QGraphicsScene
associated to my MultiWidget
The idea was, that MultiWidget
should present a "notebook like" view of all these added widgets, displaying them from top to bottom, one under the other and give (as an extra gimmick) a little green knob, with which the widget could be toggled between hidden and displayed:
Now I tried to add a new widget GPURenderWidget
, derived from QOpenGLWidget
with addWidget
method of MultiWidget
, which worked first seemingly without error. But: The content of the GPURenderWidget
which is displayed through paintGL
does not get displayed properly on the pane of the MultiWidget
: An initial picture is shown, but albeit new frames are generated in a sequence of paintGL
calls in GPURenderWidget
, the view in MultiWidget does not get updated (the following is the still view that is presented):
I already set the viewport
of my MultiWidget
to OpenGL-form
setViewport(new QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::SampleBuffers)));
Am I forced to abandon this approach? And what would be the best alternative? Should I create a GPURenderItem
derived from QGraphicsItem
and add that to QGraphicsView
via addItem()
? But I would prefer to let GPURenderWidget
remain a QOpenGLWidget
so that it can be used as a standalone widget on other places. Or must I sacrifice the whole MultiWidget
-approach with addWidget
to a QGraphicsScene
The documentation for QGraphicsProxyWidget
has a couple of notes/warnings, specifically...
Warning: This class is provided for convenience when bridging QWidgets and QGraphicsItems, it should not be used for high-performance scenarios. In particular, embedding widgets into a scene that is then displayed through a QGraphicsView that uses an OpenGL viewport will not work for all combinations.
Note that widgets with the Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen widget attribute set and widgets that wrap an external application or controller cannot be embedded. Examples are QOpenGLWidget and QAxWidget.
So I think you're out of luck with regard embedding a QOpenGLWidget
directly in a QGraphicsScene
One possible alternative would be to use an framebuffer object for the OpenGL rendering and grab/blit the generated frames from the FBO to a simpler custom widget that can be embedded.