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Testing that a value is passed to a method that emits an event, Vue

I have a Child component that renders buttons based on an array of objects passed as a prop. The value passed to the event handler is an object that looks like this: { boxes: 1, cookieQty: 4, id: 'chocChip-4', price: 12 }.

<ul class="list-items">
      <li v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="">
        <label :for="" class="label-btn-cookie">{{ title }}</label>
          class="cookie-buttons -shadow"

          methods: {
            updateSelection(value) {
              this.$emit("click", value);

In the Parent component, the Child looks like this and 'selectboxSize' takes the $event and then dispatches an action.



         selectBoxSize({ cookieQty }) {
          // map the element to an object and use that key to update state
          let element = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-cookie");
          this.updateBoxSize({ element, cookieQty });

Currently I have a passing test that verifies the button click emits an event. What I want to do is to test that 'updateSelection' is in fact called with the value passed.

   const mockData = {
     items: chocChipBoxSizesArray,
     title: "ChocolateChip"

   describe("CookieSelect", () => {
     const wrapper = shallowMount(CookieSelect, {
      propsData: { ...mockData }
      it("emits click when clicked", () => {
       const value = { boxes: 1, cookieQty: 4, id: "chocChip-4", price: 12 };
       expect(wrapper.emitted("click")).toHaveLength(1); // passes
       expect(wrapper.emitted("click")).toHaveBeenCalledWith(value); // error

This is the error I get:


    Matcher error: received value must be a mock or spy function

    Received has type:  array
    Received has value: [[{"boxes": 1, "cookieQty": 4, "id": "chocChip-4", "price": 12}]]

I've tried spies and mocking a new MouseEvent() to no avail.


  • You'd have to setup a spy on updateSelection in order to verify its calls, and wrapper.emitted() doesn't do that for you.

    Use jest.spyOn() to create a spy on the imported component definition before mounting. Also make sure to await the click trigger to ensure any side effects from the click have resolved:

    import CookieSelect from '@/components/CookieSelect.vue'
    it('emits click when called', async () => {
      const updateSelection = jest.spyOn(CookieSelect.methods, 'updateSelection')
      const wrapper = shallowMount(CookieSelect)
      await wrapper.find('button').trigger('click')
      const value = /*...*/