I'm using material-ui-chip-input wrapped with Field react-final-form.
I wanted to limit "CHIPS" to 5 only.
Chips are compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action.
As you can see I'm using 2 states here
This is redundant because react-final-form handled states internally but I can't make to work I'm just showing what I have done so far.
Basically there are two problems with my implementation.
import ChipInput from 'material-ui-chip-input'
import { Field } from 'react-final-form'
const [state, setState] = useState([])
const AddChip = useCallback(
(chip) => {
if (state.length + 1 <= 5) {
setState((prev) => ([...prev.tags, chip]))
[setState, state.length]
const DeleteChip = useCallback(
(chip) => {
setState((prev) => (...prev.state.filter((p) => p !== chip)]
return (
<Field name="states" validate={isRequired} >
{({ input: { value, onChange, ...rest }, meta }) => {
defaultValue={Array.isArray(value) ? value : []} // check value first because material-ui-chip-input require an array, by default react-final-form value is empty string
onChange={(event) => { // uncontrolled
// I tried below code but same result not working
// if (state.length + 1 <= 5) {
// onChange(event)
// }
This is my take: https://codesandbox.io/s/proud-water-xp2y1?file=/src/App.js
Key points:
package you need to use onAdd
if used in controlled mode, which we do, since we let react final form handle the state.value
prop to the Chipinput.<Form />
- use a functional child component instead.Code:
import ChipInput from "material-ui-chip-input";
import { Form, Field } from "react-final-form";
export default function App() {
return (
states: []
onSubmit={() => console.log("submitted")}
{({ values, onSubmit }) => (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<Field name="states">
{({ input: { value, onChange } }) => (
placeholder="type states here"
onAdd={(newVal) => {
if (value.length >= 5) return;
const newArr = [...value, newVal];
onDelete={(deletedVal) => {
const newArr = value.filter((state) => state !== deletedVal);
<p>react useStates</p>
<p>react-final-form values</p>
backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)",
padding: "20px"
{JSON.stringify(values, 0, 2)}