I try to implement a gremlin traversal on Java.
In here, I try to insert/update score of "VISIBLE_ON" relation with calculated score according to my pipeline.
GraphTraversal t = graph.V().hasLabel("App").as("a")
__.math("1.0 / r").by("rank1"),
__.math("1.0 / r").by("rank2"))
.has("Country", "countryCode", __.select("k")
.property("score", __.select("score"))
but I try to run my gremlin code, exception occurred like: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.exception.ResponseException: class java.lang.Double cannot be cast to class org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element
Is there any suggestion?
Solved like below:
GraphTraversal t = graph.V().hasLabel("App").as("a")
__.math("1.0 / r").by("rank1"),
__.math("1.0 / r").by("rank2"))
.property("score", __.select("score"))
.has("countryCode", __.select("k").by("countryCode")).as("c")
I think your problem is here:
__.math("1.0 / r").by("rank1"),
__.math("1.0 / r").by("rank2"))
.has("Country", "countryCode", __.select("k")
The choose()
produces a double from either math()
branch and then you try to call has()
on the double and has()
is only meant to work on Element