I created a table and I want to filter only by 4 columns out of 33 columns.
What I did is assigned 5 cells (CountryName, ClientName, ProjNo and Date(frmDate - ToDate)). When entering text in one of those cells, the table needs to be filtered, then press a button to clear the filter of both the cells and the table.
I am facing two problems:
When I press the clear button, only cells are cleared but the table is not.
When I enter data in the country name, the awarded date given in the table is also filtered, and I don't know why it is being filtered as well.
Note: If there any better VBA Code to filter the table by entering in those cells, its fine also.
Screenshot of Sheet1 (Filtering Cells and Table):
The Module (FilteringModule):
Option Explicit
Sub TableFill()
Dim CountryName, ClientName, ProjNo As String
Dim ToDate, FrDate As Date
Dim MaxAmount, MinAmount As Integer
Dim LastRow As Long
With Sheet1
LastRow = .Range("G99999").End(xlUp).Row
If LastRow < 7 Then LastRow = 7
If .Range("E7").Value = "Enter BV Country" Then CountryName = Empty Else: CountryName = .Range("E7").Value 'Country Name'
If .Range("E9").Value = "Enter Client Name" Then ClientName = Empty Else: ClientName = .Range("E9").Value 'Client Name'
If .Range("E11").Value = "Enter Proj No." Then ProjNo = Empty Else: ProjNo = .Range("E11").Value 'Proj Name'
If .Range("E15").Value = "From Date" Then FrDate = "1/1/1900" Else: FrDate = .Range("E15").Value 'Date from'
If .Range("E16").Value = "To Date" Then ToDate = "1/1/2030" Else: ToDate = .Range("E16").Value 'Date To'
.Range("G6:AN" & LastRow).Select
With .Range("G6:AN" & LastRow)
If CountryName <> Empty Then .AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="=*" & CountryName & "*"
If ClientName <> Empty Then .AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="=*" & ClientName & "*"
If ProjNo <> Empty Then .AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:="=*" & ProjNo & "*"
.AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=">=" & FrDate, Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=" & ToDate
End With
End With
End Sub
Sub ClearFilter()
With Sheet1
.Range("B4").Value = True
.AutoFilterMode = False
.Range("E7").Value = "Enter BV Country"
.Range("E9").Value = "Enter Client Name"
.Range("E11").Value = "Enter Proj No."
.Range("E15").Value = "From Date"
.Range("E16").Value = "To Date"
.Range("B4").Value = False
End With
End Sub
The Sheet1 code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("E7,E9,E11,E15:E16")) Is Nothing And Range("B4").Value = False Then
End If
End Sub
Some suggestions on your code:
instead of frDate
On error Goto
Dim CountryName, ClientName, ProjNo As String
only ProjNo is declared as string, the rest are variants (all of the variables should get As String
(table) and it's range no need for lastRowReplace your worksheet code with this:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("E7,E9,E11,E15:E16")) Is Nothing Then
' Call the filter table procedure
filterTable Me
End If
End Sub
Module code:
Option Explicit
Public Sub clearTableFilters()
On Error GoTo CleanFail
' Disable events so the filter table is not triggered everytime you change the filters' values
Application.EnableEvents = False
' Set default values
With Sheet1
.Range("E7").Value = "Enter BV Country"
.Range("E9").Value = "Enter Client Name"
.Range("E11").Value = "Enter Proj No."
.Range("E15").Value = "From Date"
.Range("E16").Value = "To Date"
End With
' Filter table
filterTable Sheet1
' Reenable events
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
GoTo CleanExit
End Sub
Public Sub filterTable(ByVal sourceSheet As Worksheet)
On Error GoTo CleanFail
' Get filter values
With sourceSheet
Dim countryName As String
countryName = .Range("E7").Value
Dim clientName As String
clientName = .Range("E9").Value
Dim projectNo As String
projectNo = .Range("E11").Value
Dim fromDate As Variant
fromDate = .Range("E15").Value
Dim toDate As Variant
toDate = .Range("E16").Value
End With
' Check if it's applying filters
Dim applyCountryFilter As Boolean
applyCountryFilter = getFilterStatus(countryName, "Enter BV Country", 1)
Dim applyClientNameFilter As Boolean
applyClientNameFilter = getFilterStatus(clientName, "Enter Client Name", 1)
Dim projectNoFilter As Boolean
projectNoFilter = getFilterStatus(projectNo, "Enter Proj No.", 1)
Dim fromDateFilter As Boolean
fromDateFilter = getFilterStatus(fromDate, "From Date", 2)
Dim toDateFilter As Boolean
toDateFilter = getFilterStatus(toDate, "To Date", 2)
Dim applyRemoveFilters As Boolean
applyRemoveFilters = (applyCountryFilter Or applyClientNameFilter Or projectNoFilter Or fromDateFilter Or toDateFilter)
' Define table to be filtered
Dim targetTable As ListObject
Set targetTable = Range("Table1").ListObject
' Select if applying or removing filters
Select Case applyRemoveFilters
Case True ' Apply
' Apply string filters
If applyCountryFilter Then applyRemoveAutoFilter targetTable, 2, applyCountryFilter, "*" & countryName & "*"
If applyClientNameFilter Then applyRemoveAutoFilter targetTable, 3, applyClientNameFilter, "*" & clientName & "*"
If projectNoFilter Then applyRemoveAutoFilter targetTable, 5, projectNoFilter, "*" & projectNo & "*"
' Apply date filters
Select Case True
Case (fromDateFilter And toDateFilter)
targetTable.Range.AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=">=" & fromDate, Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=" & toDate
Case (fromDateFilter = True And toDateFilter = False)
targetTable.Range.AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=">=" & fromDate
Case (fromDateFilter = False And toDateFilter = True)
targetTable.Range.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="<=" & toDate
Case Else
targetTable.Range.AutoFilter Field:=7
End Select
Case False ' Remove
End Select
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
GoTo CleanExit
End Sub
Private Function getFilterStatus(ByVal fieldValue As Variant, ByVal fieldDefaultValue As String, ByVal filterType As Long) As Boolean
Select Case filterType
Case 1 ' String
getFilterStatus = Not (fieldValue = vbNullString Or LCase(fieldValue) = LCase(fieldDefaultValue))
Case 2 ' Date
getFilterStatus = Not (Not IsDate(fieldValue) Or ((IsDate(fieldValue) And fieldValue = 0)) Or LCase(fieldValue) = LCase(fieldDefaultValue))
End Select
End Function
Private Function getFilterDate(ByVal sourceDate As Variant) As Date
Select Case IsDate(sourceDate)
Case True
getFilterDate = sourceDate
Case False
getFilterDate = 0
End Select
End Function
Private Sub applyRemoveAutoFilter(ByVal targetTable As ListObject, ByVal columnNo As Long, ByVal applyFilter As Boolean, Optional ByVal criteriaValue As Variant)
Select Case applyFilter
Case True
targetTable.Range.AutoFilter Field:=columnNo, Criteria1:=criteriaValue
Case False
targetTable.Range.AutoFilter Field:=columnNo
End Select
End Sub
Adjust your clear filters button to call the clearTableFilters
Let me know if it works