I know that this might seems very strange but I have the need to automatically put in the tag the name of a graphic Element e.g.
var tbkMain = new TextBlock(){Foreground = ...,..., Tag = ??? } <----here I wish automatically Tag= "TbkMain"
var grdSmall = new TextBlock(){Foreground = ...,..., Tag = ??? } <----here I wish automatically Tag= "grdSmall"
also something done afterwards like
tbkMain.Tag = ???;
or (and even better):
foreach(var element in grdMain.Children)
element.Tag = ???
I have to admit I do not even know if that is possible or where to start from. Thanks
From `here you can see that nameof is what you need.
Therefore for example:
tbkMain.Tag = nameof(tbkMain);
but that is not very useful for it takes little to write tbkMain.Tag = "tbkMain"
As for the other chance in my book it is not possible for if you do:
foreach (UIElement item in grdAll.Children)
item.Tag = nameOf(item);<----error
that is not possible for you have to define the type. And even if you do:
foreach (UIElement item in grdAll.Children)
if (item is TextBlock) (item as TextBlock).Tag = nameof(item);
if (item is StackPanel) (item as StackPanel).Tag = nameof(item);
the result will be item and not the real name. Therefore useless. Sorry... `