I am trying to figure when the menubar is closed in ionic ios it shows some shadow styling in the header.
I looked into inspect element but couldn't figure exactly on what element that is being applied.
It seems it is around the .toolbar-container
element! but not able to figure where exactly or how to fix that!
Here is a screenshot of captured transition and you can see the shadow:
Here is how it looks when after the side menu close:
btw this is the default dark theme for ios that comes with the ionic angular side menu.
Alright, I found it:
It was the .header-background
when the menu is open (.header-collapse-condense-inactive
) which was setting the backdrop for the header to be blur!
I just overwrite that with backdrop-filter: none !important;
added the following CSS globally, fixed my problem!
.header-collapse-condense-inactive .header-background {
backdrop-filter: none !important;