I made a program that has a class with static-only members in it in its own dedicated cpp/h file combo. The probably is that when I try to use these static members in my code, I'm getting "unresolved external" errors at the linker stage. I am remembering to include the h file in my cpp file that is getting the errors. I don't understand. Is this the wrong design approach to take?
Basically i want some global objects that are part of a third party API to be available to my whole program, so I organized everything into one class and made everything a static member. I also made an empty private constructor to keep the class from being instantiated. Is this a sensible approach? The static members are all pointers and I tried to start out by allocating new objects and attaching each to the static poonters. Is here a problem with this approach?
Are you remembering to actually define the variable somewhere, instead of just declaring it in the header?
#ifndef FOO_HPP
#define FOO_HPP
class Foo {
static int bar;
#include "Foo.hpp"
int Foo::bar; // <-- This being the critical line.