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Problem in email validation when using express-validator

I followed in the steps of a fullstack course. This problem is related to the express-validator dependency. I configured and pasted the code that was passed to me. And in the postman when sending in the sigup url, the following error message appeared:

         "error": "Email must contain @"

But that wasn’t supposed to happen, because I had inserted the @ in the email

"name": "dave",
"email": "",
"password": "rrrrrr9"

Here are the information and codes for my application:

Express-validator version: ^ 5.3.1

app.js file:

const expressValidator = require ('express-validator')

app.use (expressValidator ())

validator/index.js file:

exports.userSignupValidator = (req, res, next) => {
  req.check ('name', 'Name is required'). notEmpty ()
  req.check ('name', 'Email must be between 3 to 32 characters')
     .matches (/.+\@.+\..+/)
     .withMessage ('Email must contain @')
     .isLength ({
       min: 4,
       max: 32
     req.check ('password', 'Password is required'). notEmpty ()
     req.check ('password')
     .isLength ({min: 6})
     .withMessage ('Password must contain at least 6 characters')
     .matches (/ \ d /)
     .withMessage ("Password must contain a number")
       const errors = req.validationErrors ()
       if (errors) {
         const firstError = (error => error.msg) [0]
         return res.status (400) .json ({error: firstError})
       next ()

routes/user.js file:

const express = require('express')
const router = express.Router()

const {userSignupValidator} = require('../validator')"/signup", userSignupValidator, signup)

module.exports = router

How can I solve it?


  • Try using this :-

        check("name", "Name is required").not().isEmpty(),
        check("email", "Please enter valid email").isEmail(),
          "Please enter valid password with 6 or more characters"
        ).isLength({ min: 6 }),
      async (req, res) => {
        const errors = validationResult(req);
        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
          return res.status(400).json({ errors: errors.array() });