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What should Resource Group and Runtime Stack be set to in order for me to get a simple Bottle web application running on Azure from VS 2019?

When following the instructions on this page, step 3 under "Using a Subscription" says:

Specify a name for the web app, leave Resource Group to "Create New", and choose Windows as the operating system.

The page I am looking at is:

enter image description here

Which one of the drop-down elements does step 3 above say I should select for Resource Group?

Also, step 3 says to choose Windows as the operating system.

enter image description here

But the radio button for Windows is only selectable if I choose Python 3.6, not 3.7 or 3.8.

But I have Python 3.7 installed on my local Windows 10 computer as shown below:

enter image description here

I have no idea what version of Python is installed on the Microsoft Azure Application server. So I am confused what I need to select to get this simple Bottle web application to run correctly on the Microsoft Azure server.

Would appreciate your input.


  • First question, considering not sure if the Resource Group existed is yours or not, you'd better choose the create new option here, and name it specificly: enter image description here

    Second question, about "But the radio button for Windows is only selectable if I choose Python 3.6, not 3.7 or 3.8." It's recommend to use Linux OS. You could refer to this official docs.

    Finally, it seems you are very new with Azure App Service, you could find a tutorial or look at the concept first.