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DOMContentLoaded does not fire on IOS Safari

First of all: I'm new to coding in generel. i just started 3 months ago.

I'm setting up a website for a friend. The navbar of it should responsevely change it's html content what works fine on every device i tested. but when i try to set the innerHtml of my nav-ul with DOMContentLoaded, something goes wrong but only on the IOS Safari. unfortunately i can't use any browser developer tools on my ios safari.

Here is my app.js

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
  const rect = document.querySelector(".main-container");
  const screenWidth = rect.getBoundingClientRect().width;

  if (screenWidth <= 800) {
    document.getElementById("navbar-list").innerHTML = 
        <a href="tel:xxxxx">
          <img src="./vector/phone1.png" alt="" class="icon">
          <p id="number">
        <a href="whatsapp://send?text=Hallo! ich bin ein text der in einem whatsapp button programmiert ist auf peters website!&phone=xxxxx">
          <img src="./vector/icons8-whatsapp.svg" alt="" class="icon">
  } else {
    document.getElementById("navbar-list").innerHTML = 
        <a href="#home">
        <a href="#faecher">
        <a href="#konzept">
        <a href="#reviews">
        <a href="#contact">

Do i miss some await-stuff because i have to mention some async stuff?

Thanks for your help!


  • Can you log document.readyState inside of that callback? If it's not loading that means the event fired before the event listener was registered.

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