I have implemented custom DataSource
to use with ProgressiveMediaSource
private MediaSource buildMediaSource() {
MyDataSource.Factory factory = new MyDataSource.Factory(getItem());
return new ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(Uri.EMPTY);
When I try to open several MKV files, the player calls read(byte[] buf, int offset, int readLength)
function multiple times, passing 1
as readLength
This results into minutes of initialization time before video starts playing (player wants to read 600000 times by 1 byte on the video I have)
For a test I've setup my own http server and formed an uri for this video, which I then used like this:
new ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(new DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory("sdfsdfds")).createMediaSource(uri); // uri looks like
and then player began to request 16384
as readLength
. Video initialization takes few seconds.
Is there a way for me to tell player to read bigger chunks? Or maybe there is a way to tell MatroskaExtractor to ignore some unwanted things? I still need seeking though
My problem was that for each read() I had to call some functions from native library, resulting in converting java structures to c++ and then back to java to get response.
This is very heavy operation for just 1 byte. Quick tests showed that preloading big chunks of data on java side speeds up initialization from minutes to seconds.