I am using spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc
(version 1.1.3) module in Spring Webflux application.
I want to add entity lifecycle callbacks to my persistence layer.
With Spring Data JPA it was possible with annotations like @PrePersist
, @PreUpdate
, etc.
Is there any convenient way to achieve this with Spring Data r2dbc?
Starting from the spring-data-r2dbc:1.2.0
which is a part of the new Spring Data 2020.0 release it is possible with the new "Lifecycle Entity Callback API".
Here is a short example:
import org.springframework.data.r2dbc.mapping.event.BeforeSaveCallback;
public class DefaultingEntityCallback implements BeforeSaveCallback<MyEntity> {
public Publisher<MyEntity> onBeforeSave(final MyEntity entity,
final OutboundRow row,
final SqlIdentifier table) {
// do something
return Mono.just(entity);
Here is some documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/r2dbc/docs/current/reference/html/#r2dbc.entity-callbacks