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How to set java.library.path when install oracle 18c on CentOS8.2?

I was installing Oracle 18c rpm on CentOS8.2, after yum install oracle-database-ee-18c-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm and begin to configure by using "/etc/init.d/oracledb_ORCLCDB-18c configure" command, i got this java.library.path error. It seems my java path is not available. I then install java jre-8u251-linux-x64.rpm and get nothing different.

[root@localhost ~]# /etc/init.d/oracledb_ORCLCDB-18c configure
Configuring Oracle Database ORCLCDB.
java.library.path 系统变量无效或缺少此变量。请为 java.library.path 设置正确值并重试操作。
[FATAL] [INS-00001] 未知的不可恢复错误
   原因: 没有其他信息可用。
   操作: 参阅日志或与 Oracle 技术支持服务联系
       - [DBT-00006] 无法创建日志记录目录。
       - [DBT-00006] 无法创建日志记录目录。

Database configuration failed.

Anybody can help me?


  • I had the very same problem yesterday and found the solution to be a missing library "libnsl". After executing the following command on CentOS it worked.

    yum install libnsl.x86_64