Last time I asked a similar but more complex question. Here I want to ask about one specific problem.
There is a function that accepts an object as input:
onFormSubmit (data) {
const newObj = {,
id: Math.random()
if (!data.leader) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
if (this.list[i].id === data.leader) {
saveList () {
const parsed = JSON.stringify(this.list)
localStorage.setItem('list', parsed)
{leader: 42, name: "Name", number: "12345", id: "", children: Array(0)}
Data structure:
data: () => ({
list: [{
leader: '',
name: 'Silvia',
number: +54321236576,
id: 17,
children: [{
leader: 17,
name: 'Joe',
number: +87653459809,
id: 191,
children: []
leader: '',
name: 'Victor',
number: +98765434560,
id: 42,
children: [{
leader: 42,
name: 'Sam',
number: +145735643798,
id: 202,
children: [{
leader: 202,
name: 'Mona',
number: +77774352309,
id: 2092
The task of the function is to add this object to the array of objects, to the top level if !data.leader = true
, or as a child element if !data.leader = false.
The new element is added correctly.
The new child element is added to the pre-written data correctly.
But when trying to add a child to the newly created element, an endless loop and an error occurs. The function starts endlessly creating a copy of the object.
What i'm doing wrong?
Okay, i solved it this way:
onFormSubmit (data) {
let newId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + data.leader
let newObj = {}
newObj = {,
id: newId
if (!data.leader) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
if (this.list[i].id === newObj.leader) {
this.list[i].children = [newObj]