I have been exploring the field of parallel programming and have written basic kernels in Cuda and SYCL. I have encountered a situation where I had to print inside the kernel and I noticed that std::cout
inside the kernel does not work whereas printf
works. For example, consider the following SYCL Codes -
This works -
void print(float*A, size_t N){
buffer<float, 1> Buffer{A, {N}};
queue Queue((intel_selector()));
Queue.submit([&Buffer, N](handler& Handler){
auto accessor = Buffer.get_access<access::mode::read>(Handler);
Handler.parallel_for<dummyClass>(range<1>{N}, [accessor](id<1>idx){
printf("%f", accessor[idx[0]]);
whereas if I replace the printf
with std::cout<<accessor[idx[0]]
it raises a compile time error saying - Accessing non-const global variable is not allowed within SYCL device code.
A similar thing happens with CUDA kernels.
This got me thinking that what may be the difference between printf
and std::coout
which causes such behavior.
Also suppose If I wanted to implement a custom print function to be called from the GPU, how should I do it?
This got me thinking that what may be the difference between printf and std::cout which causes such behavior.
Yes, there is a difference. The printf()
which runs in your kernel is not the standard C library printf()
. A different call is made, to an on-device function (the code of of which is closed, if it at all exists in CUDA C). That function uses a hardware mechanism on NVIDIA GPUs - a buffer for kernel threads to print into, which gets sent back over to the host side, and the CUDA driver then forwards it to the standard output file descriptor of the process which launched the kernel.
does not get this sort of a compiler-assisted replacement/hijacking - and its code is simply irrelevant on the GPU.
A while ago, I implemented an std::cout
-like mechanism for use in GPU kernels; see this answer of mine here on SO for more information and links. But - I decided I don't really like it, and it compilation is rather expensive, so instead, I adapted a printf()
-family implementation for the GPU, which is now part of the cuda-kat
library (development branch).
That means I've had to answer your second question for myself:
If I wanted to implement a custom print function to be called from the GPU, how should I do it?
Unless you have access to undisclosed NVIDIA internals - the only way to do this is to use printf()
calls instead of C standard library or system calls on the host side. You essentially need to modularize your entire stream over the low-level primitive I/O facilities. It is far from trivial.