I'm trying to run a Distinct query against an Entity Framework DbSet
. The lists are used to populate Selects in the UI for filtering datasets of TRecord
. The full method is listed below. fieldName
is one of the fields in DbSet
. The code below works but's inefficient. If you try to use Distinct()
directly on the DbSet
it doesn't do a distinct - just returns the full dataset. I'm assuming the problem lies in the way I'm using reflection to get the value. Is there a solution?
public async static Task<List<string>> GetDistinctListAsync<TRecord>(this DbContext context, string fieldName) where TRecord : class, IDbRecord<TRecord>, new()
// Get the DbSet for TRecord
var dbset = GetDbSet<TRecord>(context, null);
// declare list as an empty list
var list = new List<string>();
// Get the filter propertyinfo object
var x = typeof(TRecord).GetProperty(fieldName);
if (dbset != null && x != null)
// we get the full list and then run a distinct because we can't run a distinct directly on the dbSet
var fulllist = await dbset.Select(item => x.GetValue(item).ToString()).ToListAsync();
list = fulllist.Distinct().ToList();
return list ?? new List<string>();
I'm reworking my older code that used a SQL Distinct Query called through DbSet.FromSQLRaw()
With the caveat that I don't know what magic GetDbSet<TRecord>
does, here's a replacement function that'll take care of it, inspired by:
Create generic selector for Select() while using Entity Framework
public static async Task<List<string>> GetDistinctListAsync<TRecord>(this DAL.DbContext context, string fieldName) where TRecord : class
var dbset = context.Set<TRecord>();
// Return value.
List<string> list = null;
if (dbset != null) // Found matching dbSet
// Convert our property into a lambda expression.
var arg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TRecord), "current");
var property = Expression.Property(arg, fieldName);
var conv = Expression.Convert(property, typeof(object));
var exp = Expression.Lambda<Func<TRecord, object>>(conv, new ParameterExpression[] { arg });
list =
(await dbset.Select(exp).Distinct().ToArrayAsync()) // This runs against database / SQL
.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList(); // Convert return values into strings locally if necessary.
return list ?? new List<string>();