I'm a javascript newbie and I'm having a bit of trouble with the following:
function log_time() {
let time = document.getElementById("time").value;
<input class="input-field" type="time" id="time" onchange="log_time()" step="1">
The format of the value is as follows HH:MM:SS however when the seconds are 00, it gets truncated off completely and the resulting time variable becomes HH:MM.
Is there a way to prevent the seconds from being truncated or a check to format the value if the seconds are being truncated?
How about something like this?
const timeElement = document.getElementById("time")
timeElement.addEventListener('change', (e => {
// extract e.target.value as timeVal with default value "00:00:00"
const {target: {value: timeVal = "00:00:00"} = {}} = e || {};
// extract hours, minutes, seconds from the split array.
const timeValArray = timeVal.split(":");
const [hours, minutes, seconds = "00"] = timeValArray;
console.log("hours: ", hours)
console.log("minutes: ", minutes)
console.log("seconds: ", seconds)
hours: 17
minutes: 13
seconds: 00