Typically the accepted approach is to do the following
public function numberToLetter(ByVal i as long) as string
Dim s as string: s = cells(1,i).address(false,false)
numberToLetter = left(s,len(s)-1)
end function
Public Function letterToNumber(ByVal s As String) As Long
letterToNumber = Range(s & 1).Column
End Function
However neither of these are particular optimal, as in each case we are creating an object, and then calling a property accessor on the object. Is there a faster approach?
The core thing to realise is that the lettering system used in Excel is also known as Base26. NumberToLetter
is encoding to Base26 from decimal, and LetterToNumber
is decoding from Base26 to decimal.
Base conversion can be done with simple loops and
Function base26Encode(ByVal iDecimal As Long) As String
if iDecimal <= 0 then Call Err.Raise(5, "base26Encode" ,"Argument cannot be less than 0")
if iDecimal >= 16384 then Call Err.Raise(5, "base26Encode" ,"There are only 16384 columns in a spreadsheet, thus this function is limited to this number.")
Dim s As String: s = ""
Dim v As Long
v = (iDecimal - 1) Mod 26 + 1
iDecimal = (iDecimal - v) / 26
s = Chr(v + 64) & s
Loop Until iDecimal = 0
base26Encode = s
End Function
Function base26Decode(ByVal sBase26 As String) As Long
sBase26 = UCase(sBase26)
Dim sum As Long: sum = 0
Dim iRefLen As Long: iRefLen = Len(sBase26)
For i = iRefLen To 1 Step -1
sum = sum + (Asc((Mid(sBase26, i))) - 64) * 26 ^ (iRefLen - i)
base26Decode = sum
End Function
I tested the performance of these functions against the original functions. To do this I used the stdPerformance
class of stdVBA.
The code used for testing is as follows:
Sub testPerf()
Dim cMax As Long: cMax = 16384
With stdPerformance.Measure("Encode Original")
For i = 1 To cMax
Call numberToLetter(i)
End With
With stdPerformance.Measure("Encode Optimal")
For i = 1 To cMax
Call base26Encode(i)
End With
With stdPerformance.Measure("Decode Original")
For i = 1 To cMax
Call letterToNumber(base26Encode(i))
End With
With stdPerformance.Measure("Decode Optimal")
For i = 1 To cMax
Call base26Decode(base26Encode(i))
End With
End Sub
The results for which are as follows:
Encode Original: 78 ms
Encode Optimal: 31 ms
Decode Original: 172 ms
Decode Optimal: 63 ms
As shown this is a slightly faster approach (2-3x faster). I am fairly surprised that object creation and property access performed so well however.