I have 3 files, parent.js
, child1.js
, and child2.js
let child1 = require("./child1.js")
let child2 = require("./child2.js")
let key = "*****"
let key = false;
module.exports = {
action: async() => {
return someApi.get(key);
start: async(_key) => {
key = key;
module.exports = {
action: async() => {
let res = await child1.action()
start: async() => {
// startup actions
I need to run a function from child1
inside child2
, but I can't use require
because there can only be 1 instance of child1
Does anyone know the solution for this? Thanks
I think that you are asking the wrong question :)
If you need child1 to be unique you should use a singletone and require it wherever you need it.
let instance
module.export = () => {
if(!instance) {
instance = {
action: async() => {
return someApi.get(key);
start: async(_key) => {
key = key;
return instance
I personally don't love singletone approach but it can be handy
Another approach you can try is to inject child1 service instance into child2 'constructor'
you just have to export a function instead of an object
let child1 = require("./child1.js")()
let child2 = require("./child2.js")(child1)
let key = "*****"
module.exports = (child1) => {
const action = async() => {
let res = await child1.action()
const start = async() => {
// startup actions
return {action, start}