I've got the following JSON document:
(sorted by namespace; any namespace can appear multiple times)
[ {"namespace": "/" , "exports": {"a": 10, "b": 11}}
, {"namespace": "/" , "exports": {"c": 12, "d": 13}}
, {"namespace": "/bar" , "exports": {"e": 14, "f": 15}}
, {"namespace": "/bar/baz", "exports": {"g": 16, "h": 17}}
that I need to convert into this JSON document:
(the risk of key collisions can be ignored)
{ "a": 10
, "b": 11
, "c": 12
, "d": 13
, "bar": { "e": 14
, "f": 15
, "baz": { "g": 16
, "h": 17}}}
Note that whilst nesting namespaces we only keep their basename e.g.,
{"bar": {"baz": {"bat": {}}}}
Members must be nested under their corresponding namespace object with the only expection of members of the root "/"
namespace which become top-level properties.
I've scratched my head a few times over this problem as I'd like to get this done in one pass (ideally) but I'm open to any other suggestions.
Convert namespaces to paths and you can build the desired output using getpath
reduce .[] as {$namespace, $exports} ({};
($namespace | ltrimstr("/") | split("/")) as $path
| setpath($path; getpath($path) + $exports)