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Import ES module in Next.js ERR_REQUIRE_ESM

I came upon this error when trying to use ky in a Next.js project:

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: /foo/node_modules/ky/index.js

I think the problem is that Webpack (or Babel) is transforming all imports to require()s but ky is a pure ES module.

I got it working by dynamically importing ky before using it but it's not elegant nor efficient.

const handleFormSubmit = async (event) => {
  const ky = (await import("ky")).default;

  const response = await ky

Any suggestions?


  • From Next.js 12, support for ES Modules is now enabled by default, as long as the ESM library has "type": "module" in its package.json. Using next-transpile-modules to transpile ESM libraries is no longer required.

    Before Next.js 12

    Since ky is exported as ESM you can transpile it with next-transpile-modules in next.config.js.

    // next.config.js
    const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['ky']);
    module.exports = withTM(/* your Next.js config */);