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Query formula not working with error AVG_SUM_ONLY_NUMERIC

I am getting this error on my query.

Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: AVG_SUM_ONLY_NUMERIC

I don't understand whats the problem is here. actually, I have 2 columns in my data sheet with "W" is Gross Sale "Z" is the Net sale My query is perfectly working with column "W" which is a Currency cell, and numbers are manually entered for each row while not working with column "Z" which is a calculated cell with the below formula

IF(ISBLANK(W2)," ",SUM(W2-X2)-Y2) I am also unable to make this formula as an array formula (might need help here too)

Not working query The data

PS: I can share the sheet if anyone want to help directly on the sheet.


  • try:

    =ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({Sheet1!D1:D5000, Sheet1!W1:W5000, 
     IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(Sheet1!Z1:Z5000, "\d+.\d+|\d+"))*1}, 
     "select Col1,sum(Col3),count(Col3)
      where Col2 is not null
      group by Col1 
      order by Col1 desc
      label sum(Col3)'Gross Sale', count(Col3)'Total Orders'"))