I want to combine canvas-slider-response plugin and RDK plugin to create response trial where observers change the coherence of the motion field using the slider.
The RDK plugin creates a canvas element and append it to the DOM to draw dots on the canvas. Because I want the slider function, inside of the RDK plugin, I added HTML element:
var html = '<div id="jspsych-canvas-slider-response-wrapper" style="margin: 100px 0px;">';
html += '<div id="jspsych-canvas-slider-response-stimulus">' + '<canvas id="jspsych-canvas-stimulus" height="' + trial.canvas_size[0] + '" width="' + trial.canvas_size[1] + '"></canvas>' + '</div>';
html += '<div class="jspsych-canvas-slider-response-container" style="position:relative; margin: 0 auto 3em auto; width:';
And then add that html variable to the html element with this method:
display_element.innerHTML = html;
Naturally, this overwrites on the canvas, shows the HTML element, but now the dots are gone (canvas is overwritten?).
I am somewhat aware that rendering HTML into a canvas is severely limited for security reasons. So tried some emulations:
1- I can render html element using creating SVG images:
Rendering HTML elements to <canvas>. But then I can't interact with the images using the methods such as display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-canvas-slider-response-next').addEventListener('click', function () {}
2- I can also insertAdjacentHTML but with this method, the canvas element appears after the RDK element shows up at the screen - not together. Add elements to the DOM given plain text HTML using only pure JavaScript (no jQuery).
3- I figured an HTML renderer in JsPsych could solve my problem here. So I tried including the RDK as a stimulus function to the canvas-slider-response, but I can't find a way to call the function within the RDK plugin object. This is what I was trying to achieve:
var slider_trial = {
type: 'canvas-slider-response',
stimulus: function(c) {
**callRDKPlugin(c);** ////// Something here /////
labels: ['Exactly<br>the same','Totally<br>different'],
canvas_size: [200, 500],
prompt: '<p>How different would you say the colors of these two squares are?</p>',
on_finish: function(data) {
data.color1 = colors[0];
data.color2 = colors[1];
Am I missing an easy step?
This is the desired image:
Shortening the canvas (height) and appending div node to the HTML,
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML= html
solved my problem.