I would like to test a react application with AWS amplify authentication ( using cognito).
The first step is log in to the app filling the input fileds (email and password) and submit the login form
await page.waitForSelector("#email"); await page.type("#email", "email@example.com", {delay: 500});
await page.waitForSelector("#pass"); await page.type("#pass", "secret", {delay: 500});
then the submit event
But with amplify it didn't works - the input elements are not finded
The form is the following
As you can see the html element form username is just input#username , but if I try to select sthe elemtns with plain JS , it doesnt work
i cant find the input elements
How could I set the value to the form fields and submit the form for puppeter
This is due to the username and password input being in the shadow dom, that's why it's not able to find it. Check out https://github.com/Georgegriff/query-selector-shadow-dom , this tool will make your life easier.
Here is a made up example using the Amplify default SignIn modal:
const { Given, When, Then, setDefaultTimeout } = require('@cucumber/cucumber');
const { QueryHandler, } = require("query-selector-shadow-dom/plugins/puppeteer");
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
setDefaultTimeout(60 * 1000);
Given('I visit the myWebsitewebsite', async function () {
this.browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: true,
devtools: false
this.page = await this.browser.newPage();
await puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('shadow', QueryHandler);
await this.page.goto('https://example.mywebsite.com', {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
When('enter my credentials', async function () {
const userNameField = await this.page.waitForSelector("shadow/#username");
const passWordField = await this.page.waitForSelector("shadow/#password");
await userNameField.type("xxxxxxxxx");
await passWordField.type("xxxxxxxxxxx");
await this.page.keyboard.press("Enter")
Then('I see my dashboard', async function () {
await this.page.waitFor("#dashboard-card");
await this.browser.close();