I develop in Xamarin.iOS. I would like to create a Pull-Down Menu, which I saw in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. But I can not see it the official Microsoft documentation.
Is implemented in Xamarin.iOS? If yes, how can I use it?
You could check the following code
UIButton button = new UIButton()
Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(30,100,200,80),
Menu = CreateMenu(),
button.SetTitle("Click Test", UIControlState.Normal);
button.SetTitleColor(UIColor.SystemRedColor, UIControlState.Normal);
button.ShowsMenuAsPrimaryAction = true;
UIMenu CreateMenu()
//you can set the icon as the second parameter
var Action1 = UIAction.Create("Action1",null,null,(arg)=> {
// do something when you click this item
var Action2 = UIAction.Create("Action2", null, null, (arg) => {
// do something when you click this item
var Action3 = UIAction.Create("Action3", null, null, (arg) => {
// do something when you click this item
var Menus = UIMenu.Create(new UIMenuElement[] {Action1,Action2,Action3 });
return Menus;