My question expands on what was asked here. (How to use ARRAYFORMULA to count the nb of word for every row)
I want to count partial matches for each row. I've tried using the * as a wildcard but I get big fat zeros returned.
This works if I only want to count exact matches of "NP".
={"NP Count";arrayformula(if(len(A3:A),COUNTIF(if(F3:G="NP",row(F3:F)),row(F3:F)),))}
Columns B:D are hidden.
ID# (A) | NP Count(E) | Date 1(F) | Date 2(G) |
12345 | 1 | NP-PM | NP |
67890 | 0 | NP-PC | |
24680 | 2 | NP | NP |
The NP count should be 2, 1, 2.