I'm wondering if those that sort
, shift
, pop
, push
, unshift
cannot be used whilst connecting to other method.
My current code is the following.
function trimmedAverages(arr) {
let sum = 0;
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b);
arr.map( x => sum += x);
return Math.round(sum / arr.length);
And I thought it would be simple if I can connect them like the following one, but it returned an error message..
function trimmedAverages(arr) {
let sum = 0;
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b).shift().pop();
arr.map( x => sum += x);
return Math.round(sum / arr.length);
// Error : VM6710:3 Uncaught TypeError: arr.sort(...).shift(...).pop is not a function
// at trimmedAverages (<anonymous>:3:36)
// at <anonymous>:1:1
Is there anybody can explain for me please? Thank you so mush in advance.
You can't chain shift()
and pop()
, because shift()
returns the element that was removed, not the updated array.
For your needs you can use .slice()
to get the sub-array without the first and last elements. And you can chain it from sort()
, since it returns the array (in addition to modifying it in place).
Since slice()
doesn't modify the array, you need to subtract 2 from the length when calculating the average.
function trimmedAverages(arr) {
if (arr.length <= 2) { // return default value if array is too short
return NaN;
let sum = 0;
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b).slice(1, -1).forEach( x => sum += x);
return Math.round(sum / (arr.length - 2));
console.log(trimmedAverages([1, 3, 10, 5, -6, 19, 20, -8]));