I want to create an editable anonymous link for an Excel file from SharePoint document library. As per the documentation Microsoft Graph C# SDK, I should be able to use createLink API with this code.
var driveItem = await graphClient.Drive
.CreateLink("edit", "anonymous", null, null, null)
return driveItem.Link.WebUrl;
But with the created link I can only view the excel file. The link does not allow editing the excel file. How can I create the link for the excel file?
Also, the same code working with MS Word files.
I am using Share Point Document Library and calling the APIs via Microsoft graph explorer.
If you have that excel document in sharepoint document library you should give the siteid,driveid and then itemid in you code, something like this.
.CreateLink("edit", "anonymous", null, null, null)
This way I was able to edit the excel file without logging as anonymous. I had also tested it in POSTMAN which also worked perfectly.