We have a query with a common structure that we use under different circumstances (where clause is different)
So we have something like this
val baseQuery: SelectQuery<Record> = dsl
In other places we then extend this query however needed.
baseQuery.apply {
baseQuery.apply {
So far so good. But now it would be cool if we could somehow use this base in combination with a CTE. Not sure how to do that though.
val someCTE: CommonTableExpression<*> = DSL.....
// dsl
// .with(someCTE)
// .selectQuery(baseQuery.apply {}) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
baseQuery.apply {
// addWith(someCTE) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
addJoin(someCTE, joinClause)
Is there a way to do it? Perhaps other suggestions how to reuse the base query when using a CTE?
Edit: Solution
With the help of Lukas' answer I settled on this approach
fun dynamicQuery(
context: SelectSelectStep<*> = dsl.select(),
selects: List<Field<*>> = listOf(),
joins: List<Pair<Table<*>, Condition>> = listOf(),
conditions: List<Condition> = listOf()
): SelectQuery<Record>
So in normal customizations I can
conditions = conditionsA
conditions = conditionsB
It can be combined with a CTE
val someCTE: CommonTableExpression<*> = DSL.....
context = dsl.with(someCTE).select(),
selects = listOf(someCTE.field(cteField)),
joins = listOf(someCTE to joinClause),
conditions = conditionsC
TL;DR: You can't use CTEs with jOOQ 3.15's model API
The very old jOOQ 1.0 only had what is now called the "model API", a mutable, procedural API with setters (no getters), where you can manipulate dynamic SQL.
jOOQ 2.0 introduced the DSL API, which is what most people are using today. The fact that the DSL API mimicks the SQL language helps users discover jOOQ API much more easily. Everything is named exactly as expected. With the exception of a few quirks in the areas of CTE and derived tables, you can write jOOQ-SQL almost just like actual SQL.
The model API was not deprecated, but wrapped by the DSL API, and kept around:
You can't do anything with the model API that you couldn't do with the DSL API as well, though a more functional programming style may be helpful when doing this with the DSL API. See: https://blog.jooq.org/2017/01/16/a-functional-programming-approach-to-dynamic-sql-with-jooq
While the model API is still getting some new clauses support for SELECT
statements, there are some statements that are not available in a model API form. These include MERGE
, all DDL statements, all procedural statements. And, the WITH
The strategy is to eventually deprecate the model API, because the redundancy creates a lot of extra work that is better invested elsewhere. There are also subtle bugs when people call model API methods in unexpected order, i.e. an order that is not possible through the DSL API.
You can still use it today, and the deprecation and removal will be done over a long period of time, so there's no hurry in getting off this API (as always with jOOQ). But in the context of your question, it's good to see that jOOQ will not invest in adding too many features to it, anymore. CTE support won't be added to the model API.
You can, of course, work around this limitation, because internally, the model API is CTE capable:
internal representation. I won't document how this works, here, because it's never a good idea to document these things :)SelectQuery
representation using SelectFinalStep.getQuery()
, and continue working from there.