There is a way to get who lost his focus in a c# form without using the LostFocus event each component?
I need for a On Screen Keyboard.
I need to store last focussed control to fire keypress, but i need to do it to all in the window.
Also the main project is wpf, than i have some component nested as itemsTemplate and so on...
I finally used this:
foreach (Control uie in FindInLogicalTreeDown(this, typeof(TextBox))) AssignEvents(uie);
private static IEnumerable<DependencyObject> FindInLogicalTreeDown(DependencyObject obj, Type type)
if (obj != null)
if (obj.GetType() == type) { yield return obj; }
foreach (object child in LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren(obj))
if (typeof(DependencyObject).IsAssignableFrom(child.GetType()))
foreach (var nobj in FindInLogicalTreeDown((DependencyObject)child, type)) yield return nobj;
yield break;
void AssignEvents(Control element)
element.GotMouseCapture += new MouseEventHandler(Component_GotFocus);
public Control LastFocus { get; set; }
public void Component_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
LastFocus = (Control)sender;
if (LastFocus.GetType() == typeof(TextBox)) { KeyboardVisible = true; }