Search code examples

Allow redirect after successful login

I have a .htaccess that denies access to all of my documents EXCEPT for the login page, which is apiLogin.php. As shown in my code below:

<Limit GET POST>
       order deny,allow
       deny from all
       allow from
       order deny,allow
       deny from all

DirectoryIndex apiLogin.php

<Files ~ "execute.php$">  
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All
allow from

<Files ~ "printAPI.php$">  
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

<Files ~ "Orders.xml$">  
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

<Files ~ "Config.xml$">  
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (^|/)s_orderlist(/|$) - [F]

I want my execute.php to allow redirection from apiLogin.php AFTER a successful login(Which is already being checked by a form - I can't redirect it to the page however because the htaccess denies it / I need an exception). How do I achieve this? Do I do this through .htaccess or through php?


  • Allow execute.php in ht access and add a session check.

    if($_SESSION["loggedIn"] != true){
           echo 'not logged in';
           header("Location: apiLogin.php");

    And on apiLogin, when user login set session to true

    $_SESSION["loggedIn"] = true;