I'm creating a JSON string exploiting boost ptree
library but I'm finding it tedious just by doing the following. I need to add a simple array like "metric.name" : [A, B]
to the metrics
ptree. Can I do better than this? Or at least write this in a cleaner way.
pt::ptree metric_avg;
metric_avg.put("", 9999);
pt::ptree metric_std;
metric_std.put("", 0);
pt::ptree metric_distr;
metric_distr.push_back({"", metric_avg});
metric_distr.push_back({"", metric_std});
metrics.add_child(metric.name, metric_distr);
I'd write some helper functions
template<typename T>
pt::ptree scalar(const T & value)
pt::ptree tree;
tree.put("", value);
return tree;
template<typename T>
pt::ptree array(std::initialiser_list<T> container)
pt::ptree tree;
for (auto & v : container)
return tree;
That way you can write
metrics.put(metric.name, array({ 9999, 0 }));