I have a DataGridView that gets the data from SQL Server with the help of a TableAdapter
and a BindingSource
I have a method that detects changes to the rows and sends an update query to SQL Server. This works perfectly.
After that, to update the DataGridView, I do the following:
The problem is that this takes a long time due to the number of rows.
I need to refresh it because the table adapter is a view that merges two tables with a left join.
Is there a way to update only one row or other faster way to update the view?
Make another query on the Tableadapter (right click it, add query) that takes a parameter of the data to fetch. For example if you have an existing query:
SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON a.id = b.id
(note; it is generally a really bad idea to write queries in tableadapter a that download the entire database contents into the client)
You can add another query to the tableadapter:
SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON a.id = b.id WHERE a.id = @aid
And call it FillByAId/GetDataByAId
Then in the client side you can, after updating some row ID 1234:
var newDt = yourTableAdapter.GetDataByAId(1234);
And then merge the changes into your existing datatable with datatable.Merge