So I want an interface that stores some numbers in order and efficiently perform some operations on them. In practise, a sorted vector performs very well for small sizes, but for theoretical performance and performance on larger instances, I need also a variant that uses something like std::set
to perform inserts and erases in O(log n)
Here some implementation for the vector variation:
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class Numbers {
template<class ForwardIt>
void unguarded_insert(ForwardIt it, int val) { vec.insert(it, val); }
auto lower(int val) { return std::lower_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), val); }
template<class ForwardIt>
void unguarded_replace(ForwardIt it, int val) { *it = val; }
template<class ForwardIt>
auto erase_elements(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last) { return vec.erase(first, last); }
std::vector<int> vec;
Note that for insertion and replacing it it ensured by the caller that they are at the right position. For example the caller might want to delete all elements between 20 and 50 and insert 30. So one can call lower_bound
, replace the first element and delete the remaining range.
I do not want to write the entire interface twice and would like a templated solution using the container type as template argument. However, I am running into problems like lower_bound
is a member function for some containers and a free function for other containers. Also insertion and replacing at an iterator cannot really be done by std::set
because the order is unnecessarily checked (right?).
So is there some way to fix these problems or a different kind of approach that solves my problem? The solution should not do unnecessary work on either container just to make it work on both.
You may not need to implement all of the member functions multiple times, but for some, you need to do it in different ways.
First, a type trait to check the existance of a lower_bound
member function
template<class T>
struct has_lower_bound_member_func {
struct no {};
template<class U = T> // on SFINAE match: `auto` is the type of the iterator
static auto check(int) ->
std::declval<typename U::value_type>()));
static no check(long); // No lower_bound found, the type is `no`
// if the type is *not* `no`, the container has a lower_bound member function
static constexpr bool value = not std::is_same_v<decltype(check(0)), no>;
template<class T>
inline constexpr bool has_lower_bound_member_func_v =
A type trait to check if an iterator is a const_iterator
template<class It>
struct is_const_iterator {
using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::pointer;
static const bool value = std::is_const_v<std::remove_pointer_t<pointer>>;
template<class T>
inline constexpr bool is_const_iterator_v = is_const_iterator<T>::value;
Here are a few examples how those traits (and any future traits you add) could be used. You can use similar techniques for the other member functions that need special care:
template<class C>
class Numbers {
using value_type = typename C::value_type;
template<class T = C>
auto lower(const value_type& val) {
if constexpr (has_lower_bound_member_func_v<T>) {
// a std::set<> will use this
return data.lower_bound(val);
} else {
// a std::vector<> will use this
return std::lower_bound(data.begin(), data.end(), val);
template<class ForwardIt>
auto replace(ForwardIt it, const value_type& val) {
if constexpr(is_const_iterator_v<ForwardIt>) {
// move the object out of the container by moving its node
// out of the set and reinsert if afterwards:
auto node_handle = data.extract(it);
node_handle.value() = val;
return data.insert(std::move(node_handle));
// or, if "it" is likely pointing close to the old value:
// return data.insert(it, std::move(node_handle));
} else {
*it = val; // not a const_iterator, assign directly
// You probably need to sort here:
std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
it = std::lower_bound(data.begin(), data.end(), val);
// ... or do a clever std::rotate() to get it in place.
return it;
C data;