I'm trying to get access to vector elements in this manner
struct point
unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;
thrust::device_vector<point> devPoints(hPoints.begin(), hPoints.end());
for(thrust::device_vector<point>::iterator iter = devPoints.begin(); iter != devPoints.end(); iter++)
std::cout << iter->x << " " << iter->y << " " << std::endl; (1)
device_vector was initialized properly. I get following errors:
error: expression must have pointer type (at 1)
error: no suitable user-defined conversion from "const thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<point>>" to "thrust::device_ptr<point>" exists
detected during instantiation of "Pointer thrust::experimental::iterator_facade<Derived, Pointer, Value, Space, Traversal, Reference, Difference>::operator->() const [with Derived=thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<point>>, Pointer=thrust::device_ptr<point>, Value=point, Space=thrust::detail::cuda_device_space_tag, Traversal=thrust::random_access_traversal_tag, Reference=thrust::device_reference<point>, Difference=ptrdiff_t]"
What am I doing wrong?
Ok this one was a bit more complicated than I expected :)
Here are the results of my investigations:
Your problem comes from thrust's implementation. Thrust uses a type called device_reference
which, as its documentation says: http://wiki.thrust.googlecode.com/hg/html/classthrust_1_1device__reference.html
acts as a reference-like object to an object stored in device memory.device_reference
is not intended to be used directly; rather, this type is the result of deferencing adevice_ptr
. Similarly, taking the address of adevice_reference
yields adevice_ptr
However, there are some cases when we are dealing implicitly with device_reference
. For example, when a device_reference is passed as a parameter to functions waiting for POD (more or less what you are trying to do with operator<<
), the following problem appears:
Another common case where a
cannot directly be used in place of its referent object occurs when passing them as parameters to functions likeprintf
which have varargs parameters. Because varargs parameters must be Plain Old Data, adevice_reference
to a POD type requires a cast when passed to printf:
Having said that, all you have to do is to cast your device_reference
to the POD you're handling. In your case, you'd do:
for(thrust::device_vector<point>::iterator iter = devPoints.begin(); iter != devPoints.end(); iter++) {
std::cout << (static_cast<point>(*iter)).x << " " << (static_cast<point>(*iter)).y << std::endl;
In my opinion, this is not the most elegant solution, I'd rather use the std::copy
algorithm to print the content of your point
class. Thus, I've written a small example file, using your point
class and printing it using three different ways:
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
struct point
unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;
point getRandomPoint() {
point p;
p.x = rand();
p.y = rand();
return p;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const point& p) {
os << "[ " << p.x << " ; " << p.y << " ]";
return os;
int main() {
// fill the host_vector with random points
thrust::host_vector<point> hPoints(512);
thrust::generate(hPoints.begin(), hPoints.end(), getRandomPoint);
// copy hPoints content to device memory
thrust::device_vector<point> devPoints(hPoints.begin(), hPoints.end());
// first way
for(thrust::device_vector<point>::iterator iter = devPoints.begin(); iter != devPoints.end(); iter++) {
std::cout << (static_cast<point>(*iter)).x << " " << (static_cast<point>(*iter)).y << std::endl;
// second way
for(thrust::device_vector<point>::iterator iter = devPoints.begin(); iter != devPoints.end(); iter++)
std::cout << *iter << std::endl;
// third way
std::copy(devPoints.begin(), devPoints.end(), std::ostream_iterator< point >(std::cout, " $ ") );
return 0;
Now, it's up to you to choose the one you prefer!