So I have this formula, and it's working as intended but I would like to further refine the data.
=QUERY('Users'!A1:Q, "Select A,B,C,F,G,O,Q where Q >= 180 and Q < 44223")
I have tried:
=QUERY('Users'!A1:Q, "Select A,B,C,F,G,O,Q where Q >= 180 and Q < 44223 and F not like '*text*'")
But that caused an error. Ideally, I would like to ommet any results that match partial texts in columns C and F. Any ideas?
EDIT: Included a link to an example sheet
Ideally, I want the query to match everything in column F except 'Archived' (but needs to be wildcarded) and everything in column C except Delta (again, needs to be wildcarded)
"select A,B,C,F,G,O,Q
where Q >= 180
and Q < 44223
and not lower(O) matches '.*archived.*'
and not lower(C) matches '.*delta.*'")