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Commit mutation in a different Vuex module

I got the following structure:

|-- yields.js
|--analysis (sub-folder)

In mutations.js I set the date of a state in state.js like:

stateFetchParamsStart: (state, input) => {
  state.fetchParams.start = input;
  // Want to change yields.PRdate too
  //state.yields.PRdate = input;

How can I access the PRdate state of yields.js with the mutation from state.js?

EDIT with more information:

I'm setting initial values of PRdate when the component is mounted like:

  this.fetchPRData(this.pvSystem.system_id); // makes an axios call

Also I've set a computed property asking for the date:

getPrDate: {
    return this.$store.state.yields.PRdate;

Now when clicking on a date picker I want the date to change (also computed propery on a v-model):

start: {
  get() {
    return this.$store.state.analysis.fetchParams.start
  set(value) {
    this.$store.commit('stateFetchParamsStart', value)


  • You can change a Vuex module's state from another module, but it has to be done through an action. That action can call a mutation in the other module. So first, create a mutation in your yields module:

    mutations: {
      statePRdate(state, input) {
        state.PRdate = input;

    Now you can use an action in the analysis module to commit that mutation. Pass a third argument to the commit call:

    { root: true }

    The first argument will be the mutationName or moduleName/mutationName if your modules are namespaced. Here is the new action below that calls both a mutation in its own module and a mutation in another module:

    actions: {
      analysisAction({ commit }, input) {
        commit('stateFetchParamsStart', input);         // Commit in this module
        commit('statePRdate', input, { root: true });   // Commit in another module

    Initiate the action like:

    this.$store.dispatch('analysisAction', 'input')

    Namespaced modules

    If your modules are namespaced, then you'd use namespaced syntax for both the commit and the action:

    commit('yields/statePRdate', input, { root: true })
    this.$store.dispatch('analysis/analysisAction', 'input')