I've made an algorithm that has many loops in it, and I'm trying to step through it with the click of the button. I need to be able to carry out just one iteration of the loop the first time I click a button, and then carry out the next iteration when I click it again, and so on until the program is finished. Can I accomplish that using JavaScript? If so, how?
A clean an simple way to do this is with Promises, and using async / await.
Basically make your button click into a promise resolver that your wait function can pass.
Example below.
let waitForPressResolve;
function waitForPress() {
return new Promise(resolve => waitForPressResolve = resolve);
const btn = document.querySelector('button');
function btnResolver() {
if (waitForPressResolve) waitForPressResolve();
async function doIt() {
btn.addEventListener('click', btnResolver);
for (let c = 1; c < 10; c += 1) {
await waitForPress();
btn.removeEventListener('click', btnResolver);
<button>Do Next</button>