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Marking list of strings for translation with elixir gettext (at compile time)

I'm trying to mark this list of strings translatable so that it appears in .pot files.

import XXXWeb.Gettext

@crop_types ~w(grape strawberry potato tomato rice wheat corn peas hops carrot soy sunflower other) 
    |>"crop_types", &1)))

According to the documentation, that should result in the strings being translatable in the usual .pot files when I run mix gettext.extract --merge.

I want to avoid the "usual" dgettext dynamic translations and explicitly mark the strings for translation at compile time so that nothing will be missing in the future when I add strings and forget the translations in one of the languages.

The error I'm getting is:

== Compilation error in file lib/XXX/fields/crop_types.ex ==
** (ArgumentError) Gettext macros expect translation keys (msgid and msgid_plural),
domains, and comments to expand to strings at compile-time, but the given msgid
doesn't. This is what the macro received:

{:x1, [line: 5], :elixir_fn}

I read that this is due to how the AST first tries to run gettext and then runs the enum function, which is exactly not what I want. But I'm not sure about that part, so please correct me.

How can I get this done?

EDIT: Just to be safe, here is my gettext module:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Gettext do
  use Gettext, otp_app: :myapp


  • I think this approach should work (edited answer):

    defmodule XXXWeb.Gettext do
      use Gettext, otp_app: :thing
      defmacro extract_gettext_strings(crops) do
        {crop_types, _} = Code.eval_quoted(crops)
        for crop <- crop_types do
          quote do
            XXXWeb.Gettext.dgettext_noop("crop_types", unquote(crop))
    defmodule G do
      require XXXWeb.Gettext
      XXXWeb.Gettext.extract_gettext_strings(~w(grape strawberry potato tomato rice wheat corn peas hops carrot soy sunflower other))