Consider this struct
template<std::size_t... a>
struct A{};
How can I concatenate two typed variadic template arguments?
concat<A<1,2,3>, A<4,5,6,7>> // should be of type A<1,2,3,4,5,6,7>
You can implement this with a specialization that handles instantiations of A
struct concat_impl; // just a declaration, to allow for specializations
template<std::size_t... s1, std::size_t... s2>
struct concat_impl<A<s1...>, A<s2...>> { // specialize
using type = A<s1..., s2...>; // concatenate
and a convenience alias to avoid having to say typename
template<typename A1, typename A2>
using concat = typename concat_impl<A1,A2>::type;
Here's a demo