I'm new to the world of Opentelemetry and would like to send the Spring-petclinic instrumentation data to Jaeger which is running on my remote cloud system
Here is the bat file:
java -javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent-all.jar -Dotel.exporter=jaeger -Dotel.exporter.jaeger.endpoint=50.18.XXX.XX:14250 -Dotel.otlp.span.timeout=4000 -Dotel.jaeger.service.name=otel-ui -jar target/spring-petclinic-2.4.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
When I run the bat file, I'm abe to open the petclinic app in browser (http://localhost:8080), I get the following error in the console:
[opentelemetry.auto.trace 2021-01-06 17:22:21:008 +0530] [grpc-default-executor-1] WARN io.opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.OtlpGrpcSpanExporter - Failed to export spans. Error message: UNAVAILABLE: io exception
How to resolve this issue? Are there any other dependencies to be the added to the petclinic pom.xml or to the code?
gRPC port isn't enabled in your jaeger instance.
You can try a docker-compose file like this
version: "3.6"
image: jaegertracing/all-in-one
- 5775:5775/udp
- 6831:6831/udp
- 6832:6832/udp
- 5778:5778
- 16686:16686
- 14268:14268
- 14250:14250
- 9411:9411
And you can connect to it without problems