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How to use the angular decimal pipe in typscript

I'm using the angular decimal pipe like this:

// Typescript
export class ConfusionMatrixComponent {

    roundRules = '1.0-2';

// HTML:
<div class="value">{{ getIntensityNumber(i) | number: roundRules }}</div>

How can I use the same pipe but on a typescript function?


  • I found in a similar question how to use it: just need to import DecimalPipe from @angular/commun and use it as a service:

    // Typescript
    import { DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common';
    export class ConfusionMatrixComponent {
        roundRules = '1.0-2';
        constructor(private decimalPipe: DecimalPipe) { }
        getRoundNumber(num: number): string | null {
            return this.decimalPipe.transform(num, this.roundRules) ?? '0';
    // HTML:
    <div class="value">{{ getRoundNumber(23.50873) }}</div>

    Also, make sure you add the DecimalPipe to your providers angular module:

    import { CommonModule, DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common';
        declarations: [...],
        imports: [CommonModule],
        exports: [...],
        providers: [DecimalPipe]