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accessing static members using boost lambda

I am trying to write some simple predicate using boost::lambda and I am getting tons of errors.

I checked the documentation and I have some doubt on accessing the static variable std::string::npos in a lambda expression. Below my code.

    #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
    #include <boost/lambda/core.hpp>
    #include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>

int main( int argc, char** argv ){
        typedef std::vector< std::string > array;
        namespace bl = boost::lambda;

        size_t ( std::string::* fp )( const std::string&, size_t ) const  
                  = &std::string::find;

        std::string to_find( "AA" );
        size_t pos = 0;

        const char* data [] = { "AAAA","BBBB","","CCAACC","DDDDD" };
        array v( data, data +4 );
        assert( v.size() == 4 );
                , bl::bind( 
                             , bl::_1
                             , bl::constant_ref( to_find ) 
                             , bl::var( pos ) 
                     ) != bl::bind( &std::string::npos, bl::_1 )
                , "||"
        return 0;

If I change the comparison

        != bl::bind( &std::string::npos, bl::_1 )
        != std::string::npos

it builds fine, but I am not sure if the expression is well formed. Sometimes I found that, because of lazy evaluation in lambda, I didn't get the expected result ( not in this case but in previous test with lambda ) because the call might be delayed.

Do you know in general what would be the right way to access a static member in boost lambda?

I thank you all



  • Accessing a static variable can be done using simply one of the following

     boost::constant( std::string::npos )
     boost::var( std::string::npos )

    Depending on the input parameter signature also boost::constant_ref.