I am trying to use react-native-gifted-chat to build a chat room in my app.
Unfortunately, the chat's are appearing in "groups", not sequentially. For example,
Here is an image of the issue:
Notice how some younger messages are above some older messages, and grouped by the user who sent it!
This is how I write the message to the DB:
onSend = async(message) => {
this.setState({isTyping: true})
await Firebase.firestore().collection("chat")
user: {
_id: this.state.currentUser.id,
name: this.state.currentUser.name,
avatar: this.state.currentUser.avatar,
.then(ref => this.setState({messageID: ref.id}))
await Firebase.firestore().collection("chat")
_id: this.state.messageID,
text: message[0].text,
createdAt: dayjs(Moment(message[0].createdAt).format('LLL')).locale('en-ca').format()
}, { merge: true })
render() {
return (
<View style={{backgroundColor: '#000000', flex: 1}}>
onSend={message => this.onSend(message)}
locale = { dayjs.locale('en-ca') }
showAvatarForEveryMessage = {true}
dateFormat = 'll'
timeFormat = 'LT'
onPressAvatar={user => this.getProfile(user)}
How I read the messages:
getCurrentMessages = async() => {
await Firebase.firestore().collection("chat")
.orderBy("createdAt", "desc")
.onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
const messages = []
querySnapshot.forEach((res) => {
const {
} = res.data();
key: res._id,
isLoading: false,
isTyping: false
In firestore, this is how the time is written to the db:
Any idea why the messages are getting grouped together?
It seems like a simple case of pulling the messages from firestore ordered by date created, but that doesn't look like its working correctly.
I also get the following error when I send a message in gifted chat, could this have something to do with it?
react-native-gifted-chat] GiftedChat: `user` is missing for message {"_id":"lxYBMTV0sD7kaLQOsQLp","text":"Test 5","createdAt":"2021-01-25T22:05:00-08:00"}
[Some of the messages were sent from the east coast, some from the west coast of the USA. I wonder if this has something to do with the groupings?]
As per the image it seems, the createdAt
field is not a timestamp field, it's a String
To add a timestamp field as mentioned here
createdAt: new Date();
or specific date-time
createdAt: firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date());
or else for server time
createdAt: firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
If you are able to get the field corrected, your orderBy
query would retrieve the data in correct order.
Now the ordering happens on a String
field, so it won't work as expected!