I want to add locale to my react-native-gifted-chat, because the chats do not show up one after the other, I am guessing because of time zones.
I added Locale to my gifted chat:
import en from 'dayjs/locale/en'
render() {
return (
<View style={{backgroundColor: '#000000', flex: 1}}>
onSend={message => this.onSend(message)}
locale = { en } <-----------------------------
showAvatarForEveryMessage = {false}
showUserAvatar= {true}
dateFormat = 'll'
timeFormat = 'LT'
placeholder = "Talk to people..."
onPressAvatar={user => this.getProfile(user)}
But now I get the error:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'n[M].replace')
Is this because I am using the wrong type of import, or is the existing chats the issue, and do I need to delete them for things to work?
Looking at the documentation, it appears you need to import the locale file separately.
First you need to import daysjs:
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
Then you need to import the locale you want:
import 'dayjs/locale/en'
This appears to have a global mutation side effect (bad) of making that locale available for formatting.
In your prop, pass in locale="en"
Then in your component (if you own it) you can use dayjs(date).locale(this.props.locale).format()
Daysjs doesn't look like a well designed library, because imports shouldn't have side effects like this.